Saturday, July 16, 2011

YC marches with Nations of the 4 Directions in San Diego LGBT Pride 2011!

Health Center staff, Youth Center members, families and friends joined Karen Vigneault and the Nations of the 4 Directions in the 2011 San Diego LGBT Pride Parade!  Youth Center members handed out frisbees to parade onlookers, while staff and volunteers passed out prophylactics and personal lubricant for prevention outreach to the community.  Check out pictures of the event from within the parade's perspective here.


  1. Anyone promoting homosexuality here? to the Indian youth? HMMMMMMMMMM

  2. Ok ignorant anon first of all our youth center is home and shares many diversities and cultures so we don't end up ignorant and stupid like you.... second of all know if you weren't such a dummy you would know that in the native community homosexuality better know as Two-Spirited is heavily embraced and praised as a gift and they are considered warriors throughout many Indian Tribes I'll have you know our native youth is just fine with celebrating the equality of others.. and if you have a problem with that quite being a scared anon and come to our youth center and come find me and say that too my face... its people like you that make me truly understand how ugly society can make people.... >__<

  3. Um Hi.. I'm A Youth At The Actual Center .. Actully Teen And I Choose To Support My Homosexual Family And Friends.. This Youth Center Never Has Forced Us To Accept Them We Choose But All Of Us Do Cuz It's Only Respect . Unlike You. And I Feel Anyone Person In The World Should Be Able To Love Whoever they Want. So If U Have A Problem deal With It.. K bye :)

  4. yea and that too ^^^

  5. Hi my name is Patricia and I am a member of the SDAIHYC and I wanted to say that I agree with Daniella And Giovanna about there comments. As a young Native Americian Indian we celebrate all types of culture and thats one thing that makes us special we are a Two Spirited Community and we except everyones beliefs of who they are. We can no change who that person is but we embrace it because they are who they are!!!!!!!
    XOXOXOXOXOX p.s. Anonymous person is stupid for posting something so wrong and not even post there name and just be a very ugly person.

  6. a reminder to youth members; respect does not include insulting or belittling. speak your mind and your part, but don't bash.

  7. ohhh my gosh I am not bashing I am speaking my mind just like that anonymous person is. I cant help that they are retarted.

  8. As a Youth Center Coordinator me and my staff do the best of our ability to teach our youth not dis-criminate against other peoples life styles as a Native Man we already know what dis-crimination is. The creator creates all types of people for many reasons and our creator does not make mistakes. Just remember we are here on borrowed time. Please try to keep positive messages on this blog. Our Youth is our future. There for we don't need to add more bullying in the world then is necessary.


Leave your name; as of 8/8/2011, new anonymous comments will be deleted. Please keep your comments civil and respectful.