Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Intertribal Sports Soccer Season and Schedule

Youth Center Opens Up For Fall Hours Wednesday 9/5/12

Aqua Camp 2012

Last week the youth center members got to participate in a 5 day water camp hosted by the Silver Strand Aquatic Center. This was a rare and unique opportunity because of the fact that our youth got to try out many different water sports such as kayaking, paddle boarding, Hawaiian rig canoeing, and surfing. During this time while they were learning these sports, the members also participated in team building excises that consisted of all the youth members working together to complete one main objective. The Aquatic Center also hosted a time of arts and crafts where the youth members used chalk colors to color and create a picture that explained their life stories. We would like to sincerely thank the Silver Strand Aquatic Center team for hosting our youth members and can not wait to come back again!

For more Pictures just go to

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Fall Schedule Hours

Hello all, starting september 1st the youth center hours will be 
mon-friday 2- 6:30pm.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Culture Camp 2012!!!

Thank you all youth members and parents that participated in this year's Culture Camp we had some of the most fun time that we have ever had. Please check our Photo Bucket for all the pics

For more pics go to our photo bucket account
